10th Annual

Hollis Holiday Luminaria Stroll &
Town Band Concert 2024

Saturday, December 14

Hollis, New Hampshire

Please see 2024 Gingerbread House Contest
winners/photos here


...and more photos!

Hollis' historic residential neighborhood and Monument Square will transform into an enchanted village.  Over 2000 glowing luminaria lanterns, a twinkling town evergreen, Santa's tractor parade, a chili & cornbread supper, shopping for holiday crafts, musical performances on the Squires Patio in Monument Square, family holiday art workshops, a festive display of vintage and classic cars, and the celebratory Hollis Town Band concert are a few highlights.

When twilight approaches, Santa will travel through the center of town by lighted tractor and hay wagon to his destination: the Lawrence Barn on Depot Road, where he will visit with young friends.  Parents may take pictures of their children on Santa's lap.  Donations during Santa's visit are appreciated, to help offset the day's expenses.  Homemade gourmet holiday cookies are available for purchase during Santa's visit.

PARKING: To park for the festivities, feel free to use the parking lot behind the Hollis Social Library (2 Monument Square), the parking lot at Lawrence Barn (28 Depot Road), the field at 12 Monument Square (next to Valicenti Pasta), or the parking lot at Hollis Brookline Middle School (25 Main St.).

Event Schedule

Saturday, December 7:
1:00pm Construction of the luminarias Brookdale Farm warehouse
Saturday, December 14:
10:00am‑12:00pm Zentangle Art Workshop: Winter Birches & Cardinal (advance sign-up required) Hollis Artspace, 30 Ash St.
1:00pm‑2:00pm Gingerbread House Contest drop-off Lawrence Barn
2:00pm Begin placing and lighting luminaria lanterns (volunteers needed!) Historic District
& Monument Square
2:00pm-6:00pm Hot chocolate for sale by the Hollis Brookline High School Class of 2026, proceeds benefit class activities Front of Hollis Town Hall
2:30pm Gingerbread House Contest judging Lawrence Barn
2:30pm-4:00pm Luminaria Storytime (all ages), free (advance sign-up is encouraged, but not required) Hollis Social Library
2:00pm-4:00pm Musical performances by the Hollis Church Carolers accompanied by Sanjay Cherian on guitar from Brookline Community Church, the Souhegan Valley Flute Ensemble, the Hollis Brookline Jazz Combo, Powers Out rock group Squires Community Patio
at Congregational Church
3:00pm-5:00pm Come take your family Christmas photo in front of the historic Farley Building, lighted for the holidays! There is also a display with info about the proposed renovation of this treasured landmark into a community center for Hollis. Farley Building, 23 Main St.
3:00pm‑6:00pm Holiday Craft Sale featuring local artists Hollis Town Hall
3:30pm Meetinghouse at Congregational Church opens to warm visitors Congregational Church
4:00pm Luminaria Stroll and Tree Lighting Monument Square
  Carolers on the Square, from the Hollis Brookline Middle School Chorus Monument Square
  Announcement of Gingerbread House Contest winners.  In addition, the winning names and gingerbread photos will be posted here to this web site later this evening (please see below). Monument Square
4:00pm‑6:00pm Holiday Open House at the Hollis Historical Society's "Always Ready Engine House" Museum.  Questions?  Freddi Olson at enginehouse@HollisLuminaria.org. Always Ready Engine
House, 26 Main St.
4:00pm‑6:30pm View the Gingerbread House Contest entries Lawrence Barn
4:30pm Lit Tractor Parade with Santa Claus Monument Square down
Depot Road to
Lawrence Barn
Serving from
Community Chili & Cornbread Supper (hot dogs, too) - ALL are welcome!  Donations gratefully accepted to benefit Holiday Food boxes Enter through center
double doors (ground
level) at front of
Congregational Church
5:00pm-6:30pm Visit with Santa (donations accepted) Lawrence Barn
5:00pm-6:00pm Refreshments available.  Optionally pre-order 15 Christmas cookies for $20 (they make great gifts!), deadline for pre-orders is Dec. 10, pre-order pick-up closes at 6:00pm, hosted by the Hollis Woman's Club Lawrence Barn
  Lit tractors on display Nichols Field
6:30pm Please pick up your gingerbread house to take it home Lawrence Barn
7:00pm 28th Annual Hollis Town Band Holiday Concert and Bake Sale [non-perishable food item(s) are requested for admission] Hollis Brookline High School
11:45pm Winning names and photos for the Gingerbread House Contest posted Here at HollisLuminaria.org
Sunday, December 15:
8:30am Clean-up (volunteers needed!) Monument Square and
side streets

Come and enjoy the spirit of the season as we light up our country village.  Bring your children to see Santa and sing along to the holiday music performed by the Hollis Town Band. It will be a magical and glowing day!

Questions about the events of the Hollis Holiday Luminaria Stroll?  Please contact Kimber Harmon at info@HollisLuminaria.org.  We hope you will join us!